Ancient &
Medieval Africa
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Free Presentations in PowerPoint format
African Society and Culture 500 BCE to 1400 CE
The Kingdom of Songhai (Songhay)
Ancient Africa – Egypt, Axum, Kush
Ancient Africa, 1500 BC – 1500 AD
Ancient African Civilizations – Kush, Axum, Ghana, Mali, Songhai and Bantus
Cultures and Kingdoms in Medieval West Africa
Early African Kingdoms and Empires
Empires and Kingdoms of Medieval Africa, 500–1600
Medieval Africa – Ghana and Mali
Medieval Africa – Ghana, Mali and Ethiopia
Medieval Africa – Western African Empires, AD 570–1590
Post-Classical Africa, 650–1450 CE
The Empires of Mali and Songhai
Ghana, Mali and Songhai from 300 to 1600
Three Sudanic States – Ghana, Mali and Songhai
What Made the West African Empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai Great?
African Kingdoms – Aksum, Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Zimbabwe
Kingdoms in Africa 750 BCE – 1586 BC
The Most Ancient Race, the San People
See Also: The Continent of Africa